Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What I'm Reading

I'm trying to get in the groove of blogging, so I'm going to blog about what I've been reading and writing.

I've started on a BUST "One Hand Read" about my new obsession. Take a gander below around Mar 8th for a clue. I've written a page. Just the establishing stuff. Ugh.

Reading: Jesusland by Julia Scheeres.

The saddest thing I've read. I cried when I finished it. I'll talk more about it later. I should e-mail her about what I thought of the book.
I wanted to read because one day I was talking with a friend and she started telling me about a strict Christian summer camp she went to one summer. Since she was black and there was only one other black kid there, I was a very interesting experience. But not as bad as in Jesusland.