Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm sorry I haven't kept up with all that I've read lately.

- Daredevil: Yellow - good. Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb hit the sweet spot on old school Daredevil.
- Grendel: Red, White & Black - I loved it. I also read mage, so I generally enjoy everything Matt Wagner writes. The art is an anthology with some of my favorite artist like Jill Thompson and
- Flapper by Joshua Zeitz - I know, it's a book with out superheroes of drawings. And non-fiction to boot. Well researched and quite enjoyable.
- Scott Pilgrim (vol. 2 & 3) - Absolutely amazing. Actually these books deserve their own post.
-Sandman: The Dream Hunters - Neil Gaiman again shows why and how he is a master storytelling with his tweaking of a Japanese folktale. The art is truly art.
-Quiver (Green Arrow) - good, but not great. I liked the twist ending.
- Holy Superheroes - um, yeah. It's a non-fiction book about religious ( mostly Judeo-Christian)themes in superhero comic books. They led me to reading Quiver and Daredevil:Yellow. I read those books and decided that he was reaching for a religious theme in Daredevil: Yellow.
- Three Blind Mice by Agatha Christie - I just enjoy all her novels. They still keep me guessing.
- Ian McEwan's early short stories - misogynistic. I only read like three stories before I stopped reading the books.
- Green Lantern: Willworld - Trippy artwortk. The story was just to service the artwortk. Also, crap about what it means to be a hero. I think I'm more suited to casual and selfish villiany like Catwoman and old-school Mystique.
- When I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago - This book was excellent. She evokes the feel, scents, and sounds of growing up in rural Puerto Rico during the '50s. I can't wait to read more of her memoirs.
- Homeland - too clever for its own good. I loathe books like that. At first I thought it was going to be fun, but it took a turn into self-pity and misanthropy.
-God's Gym by John Edgar Wideman - The language here does what Homeland failed at doing. It was natural andI followed and flowed with it. The title story alone reminds me what a genius Mr. Wideman is.
- Batman: The Long Halloween - Okay. I think I'm going through a bit of Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale overload.

As for Knitting:
Finished Objects : two pink & white washclothes for my niece, and oversized skully from Knit1 magazine
Unfinished Objects: two bags (need lining and to be sewn together)


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