Monday, June 26, 2006

Thanks to Janey

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.

Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them.

And the point is to live everything.

Live the question now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

- Rainer Maria Rilke, trans. by Stephen Mitchell

Just a little something to think about. Courtesy of a friend on okp. I think everyone can relate to these words.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Oz as a dystopia

I just checked out Return to Oz. This film and The Wiz have always made the original Oz seems so whitebread. I still love the original Oz, but these those films have wonderful dystopias.

P.S. I can make mess like nobody's business.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I don't give out romantic advice for a reason

I don't give out romantic advice for a reason. Often my advice is simple: If you're not happy, break up.

Okay, maybe because I have only been in one relationship most people don't ask me for advice, but I strongly believe that it's better to be alone and happy than together and unhappy. I was thinking about how this relates to Buddhism and Confucianism and how I strongly believe those are related.

It is better together and happy, if you're unhappy and together break up. If you're happy and alone, great. If you're unhappy and alone, talk to someone, like a therapist or a friend. You can't find happiness in other people, just as you can't find it in money, thing, material objects, fame, etc. There are a gazillion things and 6 billion people on this planet, but only one thing and one person can make you happy: your mind and yourself.

I guess this is why some people see Buddhism as nihilistic because it asks/tells you to give up things and desires, but I see it as freeing. Whittle everything down to get to the essential things that matter. After all, so much of this world is what you percieve in your head.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


As far as Oracle Night goes, the writing was good, but it relied on too much serendipity. It comes off as contrived even though it's quite plausible and deals with what the unconscious mind and the imagination know. The structure is interesting.

Yesterday I finished Holy Superheroes. It gave a brief overview of religion in comics, our modern mythology. But had to stick to essentialism, because there is no way to keep up with all the new events happening in comics this summer. The book offered a lot to think about like redemptive justice, 'pop fascism' in comics, and comics as offering 'exceptional lives' biography/mythology. I might have to buy that book.

I also read some manga I had laying around. Roadsong was okay, but I just can't get into the art. The proportion and perspectives were off. It kind of hurt my eyes to read it.

I read Vol. 3 of Princess Ai. I liked the story, but the ending felt too rushed. I know there'll probably be another series, but Vol 3 could have been stretched out for another two volumes because of all the action.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Corrected Shirt.

This is the corrected Team Naked Pics shirt.

Friday, June 09, 2006

I've Been Busy

I haven't been posting lately, but it's not because of any lack of love. The title explains it all. The Mavs are in the Finals and I've been following that.

I'm almost finished reading Oracle Night by Paul Auster. I started out awed, but in between I finished I thought My Father Was God, which he edited and I came to the conclusion that he likes/relies on serendipity way too much, and became much less enamored with the novel. I'll easily finish it tonight.

I saw NIN in concert finally. It was amazing. The next day my jaw hurt from smiling so much. I had an epiphany about my life and with the exception of one day (yesterday AKA Game 1 of the Finals) I write at least 3 pages of fiction. It's tough, but rewarding to see something on the page. Even if I don't like and think it's crap, it's better than a blank page and despair.

I promise that post of stuff I've made is waiting to be posted. I've just been busy making some honey, y'know? <--How dorky was that? I wanted to say "as busy as a bee."

Friday, June 02, 2006

Crafty Girl

The Botched Naked Pics Shirt.
This was based on that "Team Naked Pics" shirt Pete Wentz wore after "those" pictures spread around the internet.

Unfortunately, since this was my first time using iron-on letters I made one mistake. I just saw it as an opportunity to try making something I saw in Generation T and 99 Ways .... I cut the scoop in back with just some scissors.