Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Movies I've Seen in the Past two months


- Sucker Free City - Spike Lee's best work in the past 7 or so years has been when he's directing something he didn't write. This is really good movie about the interplay of class and race in Hunter's Point in San Francisco. There are some really great performances. This was also the beginning of my crush on Anthony Mackie. I love being shallow.

- Fall of Fujimora - On PBS I watched this documentary about, well, the fall of Fujimora, Peru's Prime Minister in the 1990s. Interesting stuff. I was most drawn to his daughter, who had to handle a lot of political fallout and even become the First Lady, which was kind of odd in a Antigone/Oedpidus way.

- Hustle & Flow - A well directed film, but poorly written (like Crash). I used to laugh while watching Happiness and films like that because I couldn't identify with those suburban white people, but this film gave me the black Southern equivalent. When D Jay's two hos are sitting in thchurch lady's living room, I was squirming. It was uncomfortably close. This shit could be happening next door to me! As for writing, everyone except D Jay was two-note, 2-d characters. They didn't quite have their own arcs. They just changed around with arguably the exception of the white ho.

There's a lot more but I don't want to make another long post. I just finished reading Down These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas. It's good stuff, but I wish I had read it during a "man Child in the Promised Land"/ 1950's protest novel/struggle against segregation biographies period because it would have ffit in real well with those types of books.


I'm sorry I haven't kept up with all that I've read lately.

- Daredevil: Yellow - good. Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb hit the sweet spot on old school Daredevil.
- Grendel: Red, White & Black - I loved it. I also read mage, so I generally enjoy everything Matt Wagner writes. The art is an anthology with some of my favorite artist like Jill Thompson and
- Flapper by Joshua Zeitz - I know, it's a book with out superheroes of drawings. And non-fiction to boot. Well researched and quite enjoyable.
- Scott Pilgrim (vol. 2 & 3) - Absolutely amazing. Actually these books deserve their own post.
-Sandman: The Dream Hunters - Neil Gaiman again shows why and how he is a master storytelling with his tweaking of a Japanese folktale. The art is truly art.
-Quiver (Green Arrow) - good, but not great. I liked the twist ending.
- Holy Superheroes - um, yeah. It's a non-fiction book about religious ( mostly Judeo-Christian)themes in superhero comic books. They led me to reading Quiver and Daredevil:Yellow. I read those books and decided that he was reaching for a religious theme in Daredevil: Yellow.
- Three Blind Mice by Agatha Christie - I just enjoy all her novels. They still keep me guessing.
- Ian McEwan's early short stories - misogynistic. I only read like three stories before I stopped reading the books.
- Green Lantern: Willworld - Trippy artwortk. The story was just to service the artwortk. Also, crap about what it means to be a hero. I think I'm more suited to casual and selfish villiany like Catwoman and old-school Mystique.
- When I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago - This book was excellent. She evokes the feel, scents, and sounds of growing up in rural Puerto Rico during the '50s. I can't wait to read more of her memoirs.
- Homeland - too clever for its own good. I loathe books like that. At first I thought it was going to be fun, but it took a turn into self-pity and misanthropy.
-God's Gym by John Edgar Wideman - The language here does what Homeland failed at doing. It was natural andI followed and flowed with it. The title story alone reminds me what a genius Mr. Wideman is.
- Batman: The Long Halloween - Okay. I think I'm going through a bit of Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale overload.

As for Knitting:
Finished Objects : two pink & white washclothes for my niece, and oversized skully from Knit1 magazine
Unfinished Objects: two bags (need lining and to be sewn together)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I know it's been almost a month, but I've come back to say something important.

R.I.P. Ann Richards

A great progressive Texan.

She was a great political role model to me. (So, was Barbara Jordan.)

http://keyetv.com/topstories/local_story_258173319.html - the three day memorial
http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/letters/stories/DN-frilettersart_15edi.ART.State.Edition1.3e9c1d8.html - comments